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st maelruans fc in pictures

Enjoy some moments & memories

ddsl soccer for all blitz

may - 2024

St Maelruans FC under 8's team this May took part in the popular Dublin District Schools League Soccer For All Blitz. Soccer Blitz is organised by DDSL on a yearly basis and gives the young team players a chance to enjoy the game as they play. No trophies or medals are awarded - the reward was in the taking part.

Well done to all the team players, the Parents & Coaches.

Press play to view a collection of videos.


The FAI run coaching courses in partnership with DDSL


The following courses are being run during the summer. If you find yourself interested please check out the FAI 'mycomet' website and register for a place.

  • Football Fitness Intro - Dublin
  • Fundamentals of Goalkeeping - Dublin
  • Awareness & Coaching in Disability Football - Dublin

You will be required to create an FAI Connect account first. More details can be found here


Further courses can be found on the FAI web site.