Saint Maelruans Football Club
Esto Audaces
soccer for all
practice - train - play
We are a vibrant football club located at Bancroft Park in Tallaght. We have several youth teams with your skill level for boys and girls from ages 5 up.
founded 1968
es tote audaces
ST. MAELRUANS FC have been coaching children from the Tallaght and surrounding areas helping them develop new skills and friendships that will last for life.
st. maelruans fC
Joining a football team promotes a healthy lifestyle, builds friendships & offers a sense of belonging. Playing with St Maelruans FC gives young and older players the confidence needed to make new friends and create new social circles.
our sponsors
We are proud to give our sponsors the recognition they deserve in supporting Saint Maelruans Football Club and the young boys and girls of all skill levels who find comfort, confidence and friendship within the club and the wider community.